So I went back to the roots of my space addiction - science! Ever since I was a small kid, I wanted to be a "space scientist". For a very brief period it almost happened - but then I decided to return to Elbonia, and this dream of mine stayed unfulfilled. Still, I try to keep up with news from my favorite field. I understand that technicalities of orbital mechanics are not fun reading for everyone, so I shall just post pictures. :)

Also, fresh from Jupiter! A storm is brewing! Is it yet another yachting championship for Dwellers?

If I am not mistaken, there are some nice open and closed Lissajous curves on the pic :)
If you mean Lissajous curves with a/b ratios of 1 and close to 1, then yes..;)
For math impaired, it is just a series of superimposed orbital paths that Cassini has taken/is going to take. :)
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