Today is an actual work day in Elbonia. By late yesterday afternoon, all the bosses have gotten a clue about things that were supposed to happen last week, so today they charge hither and thither trying to make their unwilling subjects perform various onerous duties. Since no one has an "it is Monday for Higher Power's sake!" excuse today, and it is still too early in the week for kids to get sick (thus granting sickness leave to their parents), people actually do have to work. It is depressing. Even local weather detects Tuesdays, and rains most often on them*.
To prove my thesis, today I phoned to my colleagues working in the wonderful country of Jerka Jerkastan (which is about three and a half hours ahead in time, and thus perfect for finding out about weather, but not far enough that it could be used to find out the winning lottery numbers), well known for its nice and sunny climate, amazing beaches that go on forever, and local inhabitants who are almost as religious and almost as well armed as average North Dakotans. I asked my colleagues questions about the weather, and of course, it is raining there too. They said that it was raining there for the whole last week, and that it felt like a really really long Tuesday. Not even the occasional rocket (launched by the well meaning locals who sincerely believe that this is the fastest way to find out the Truth about their religion) could dispel the gloom of the long, dark, world-wide Tuesday, they complained.
Them being true Elbonians, rain did not stop them from a having a traditional light lunch.
To prove my thesis, today I phoned to my colleagues working in the wonderful country of Jerka Jerkastan (which is about three and a half hours ahead in time, and thus perfect for finding out about weather, but not far enough that it could be used to find out the winning lottery numbers), well known for its nice and sunny climate, amazing beaches that go on forever, and local inhabitants who are almost as religious and almost as well armed as average North Dakotans. I asked my colleagues questions about the weather, and of course, it is raining there too. They said that it was raining there for the whole last week, and that it felt like a really really long Tuesday. Not even the occasional rocket (launched by the well meaning locals who sincerely believe that this is the fastest way to find out the Truth about their religion) could dispel the gloom of the long, dark, world-wide Tuesday, they complained.
Them being true Elbonians, rain did not stop them from a having a traditional light lunch.

*When it doesn't fall on Rain God (Rob McKenna), of course.
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