When I was first expressing thanks to all my friends, I thought I would just list the first few that were floating in my mind's temp.reg, but that produced some unwanted problems. Some of you wanted to know which of the listed names corresponds to you, some wanted to know whether they are on the list, and some wanted to know why they aren't on the list. Since it was not my intention to publish an actual complete list of my friends (almost impossible, not in the least because I can never remember all of them at the same time - some of them are such memorable characters that my mind floats back to "reset" mode whenever I think of them :), I was baffled by the response. It seems that in order to calm the spirits I shall have, after all, to atempt to list all my friends (that I can currently remember) and that I dedicate this blog to :
(in no particular order)
Mary Shelly, Strom, Big Ktulu, Princess K, Bloodhimir, Amandanmanregge, Gorak, Tsushima, Monacococo, Red Dwarf, Mika the Coyotte, Bukva the Terrible, Morning Twinkle Star, Tango Beast, The Wife of the Tango Beast, Toma the non-Aquinus, Toma's Legs, Birch the Petrodollar, NetAtommathethician, 90days of Hell, Various Majas, Mario Pilatus, Calligraphy Mario, Ana the Tooth (not faery), Wishy the May, Princess Faith, Princess Adriatica, Jean the Gun, Pretty Juanita, their awesome parents and family, Nicko the Music Acid Barbarian, "Excuse my French" Sasha, Furious Orlando and his pointy shoes, our saintly Kathy the Shirt Maker, Download Sasha the Dwur, The Airing Monster, her Calvinia, Denis the UberAccountant, his MiniMe, Sergei the Potato, Marko the ATO king, Black Anne de Fiume, Ogloolga the Smile, Mon the PolPolice, Maruxa the Invincible, that girl that once told me that I was pretty, her sister, the german girl I once met in an airplane, Exploding Mountain Yan, Laconic the Winnipegian, absolutely hyperactive New Zealander and his yellow car, Pretty Sailboat port and her Ivan the Bowling Master, Thomas the (rustic)Wolf and his Estonian crew, Aleksandar of Tashkent, that tango girl from Prague, the whole Slovak tango scene and their beer, French Canadian Bean Soup, Beamy the Scott, 7 virtues of Naomi, remember Rachel, cute tall blonde Dakotan girl who went to medical experiments with me but whose name I forgot, Denise the brasilian pelusch, the Red Verne of Doom, Ewa From Another Dimension, Ana the extremely competent handler of Denis, Hadgina Hadjiya, Velvety Michele (who is, despite his name, a very hairy guy), Bruno "the Grampa", Hrvoje "Birds strikes from behind", Hetero Materialbitch and his close followers, $s, Gliding Luka the Incurable Romantic, Krešo "But, I love you!" God's gift to women, Paula the Blonde, Lucky Oma the Multitasker, Blonde Physics Chick, her Norwegian roomate, Sam Teacher of Croatian Blonde Pilots, Dogsled Amanda, Fluffy (mmmm), all the wonderful UND professors led by unforgetable Granny Lang and prof. Pooch, ND groundhogs (sorry for the machetta incident! Really!), Capt Allen (of Space Command), all the unfortunate Grand Forks children who had to listen to my rambling descriptions of Elbonia as a land of easily available alcohol and topless chics, all the religious missionaries that I terrorized into submission with my impromptou physics lectures, Father Ty, Gorak's red car and its smelly milkshake incident, Green Mill and it's free chicken wings Long Island Tea Thursday specials, Yasmine the chinese florida chick, my amazing blonde sister Didi, all the Native Americans from the Turtle Mountain reservation who taught me ice fishing, horse riding, potato gunning, pretending to be Russian while they shoplift 50 pound bags of dog food despite having no dogs, rabbit hunting, tax evading, wonderful native cuisine and trading anything not nailed down, and once again this wonderful ND family who took me in as if I were one of their own despite my obvious religious shortcomings and abysmal chess skills.
Now you know why I didn't want to make a complete list!